Sunday, June 14, 2015

June 13 from the Lake Residency in Ooty in the state of Tamil Nadu

Dorothy, you’re not in Kansas anymore…

*driving in India makes New York City traffic at rush hour seem like a stretch of Montana interstate.  Most roads we have traveled on have two lanes and no sidewalks or shoulders.  Sharing these road are pedestrians, bicycle riders, motor cyclists, auto-rickshaw drivers, cars, buses, trucks and a variety of animals.  Plus, every one appears to be late for where they are going.  Drivers are aggressive and highly skilled.  No texting and driving here as 100% attention is on the road.  Untapped pool of NASCAR winners here for sure.

*animals seen today include dogs, cats, monkeys, horses, goats, sheep, cows and Bison.  Most are roaming, seemingly without owners.  We did see several Beware:  elephant crossing zone, but no elephants.  Maybe tomorrow.

*saw exactly 8 white (as in people of suspected European origin) people today including 4 from our group and one when I looked in the mirror.

*here is a riddle—two teachers and an IREX program coordinator walk into a bar in India.  Only two are admitted into the establishment and one is not.  Who gets admitted and why?  Respond and if you get it correct, consider yourself culturally aware.  Full disclosure—no one actually went to the bar because everyone wasn’t welcome. 

*most students attended school today even though it is Saturday. 

*summited the tallest mountain in southern India today which is taller than every U.S. mountain east of Colorado.  Full disclosure:  our driver drove us to the top.

*ran into another group of IREX Fellows at the Botanical Garden in Ooty.  With 1.2 billion people in this country what are the odds of running into someone you know, especially when you only know 19 people in the entire nation?

*most meals eaten with fingers, not utensils.  This includes the garlic chicken in sauce I had last night.  My grandmother would not approve.

Oh, I also saw the Tinman, Scarecrow and Lion in an auto-rickshaw.

A beautiful picture from Ooty which is where the Eastern and Western Ghatts meet.

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